The Reality of Robot LawyersCan a robot really fight your parking ticket and win? Yes. A free chat bot created by 18-year old Joshua Browder has done so 375,000...
New Jersey Committees answer Ethical Questions in regards to Avvo's ServicesAccording to the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, services such as Avvo, LegalZoom and Rocket Lawyer benefit...
Would You Board a Pilotless Plane?This summer Boeing Co will begin test simulations for an autonomous plane. (See the Reuter's report here: This...
Will I Be Replaced by a Robot?From Henry Ford’s assembly line in the forties to the modern operating room we have witnessed the growing importance of automation in the...
When the Rubber of Artificial Intelligence Meets the Road: Will We Ever Ride in Driverless Cars?The driverless car stands at the pinnacle of future visions of a world powered by Artificial Intelligence. Futurists picture roads full...
Avvo's New Legal Services Program Deserves Answers to Ethical QuestionsThe form and substance of Avvo’s new program should cause the profession to pause and answer some fundamental ethical questions as we...
Building Trust through Alternative Fee ArrangementsTrust ought to be the bedrock of the client-attorney relationship: if a client does not trust their attorney, the relationship is doomed...
Should Lawyers be Happy?Should lawyers Be “Happy”? Looking for meaning in our work may be far more important and the key to contentment in our profession. In a...
Young Lawyers, Technology and the FutureOne of the themes of the Professional Compass highlights how technology will fundamentally reshape the practice of law. In a thoughtful...